Monday, 13 January 2014

Resolutions, resolutions, resolutions

We've welcomed another new year with just as much enthusiasm and hope as the years before. One of the mandatory fields to be addressed while wishing someone includes: so what are your resolutions for the year? One of my friends, a guy might I add, had a very interesting reply – to carry lunch from home.

I don’t know how the rest of the world functions, but in almost all the homes I know, that’s more of a resolution for the lady of the house than for hubby dearest who tirelessly ‘carries’ lunch from home! God forbid if the weight of that task is too much, my husband constantly manages to lose a good many of my Tupperware to boot!

So if you thought you were the only one being hounded with a lunch service at 6 am, don’t be afraid, you are not alone. Yes, we love our husbands and want them to eat healthy, home cooked meals. And while some of us can hop onboard the cooking express and manage a commendable breakfast and lunch in no time, it does feel like a Houdini act for the rest of us.

Let’s not forget that this is Indian cooking we are talking about. I remember feeling extremely guilty thinking that – I mean, after all I am a born and bred south Indian, so what else am I going to cook? Until the discussion came up with friends, and one brave soul volunteered softly, “But Indian food is so diffi-”. Let’s just say at this point, my friend had a lot of company.

My husband has an excellent sense of humour about the whole affair. In fact, he hardly has to say anything at all sometimes before I burst out laughing. To give you a visual: I’m busy pulling leftovers out of the refrigerator for his lunch when we hear the shrill whistle of a neighbour’s cooker in the wee hours. He pauses and with a resigned sigh looks longingly at the only thing on our four burner - a lonely pan of milk, which, to be fair to him, he boiled!

Alright, so establishing that balance between work, home, children and food can be a daunting task in any year. Wait a minute, perhaps I should call it a juggling act rather than balance! But unless those juggling pins are in the air, we just don’t know what we are capable of, do we?


  1. Wow. This is a situation every married girl can relate to. Continue the good work

  2. No we don't! Bravo! I really enjoyed the humorous take on everyday life.. you may want to name one of those pins "stand up comedian maybe?!" Look forward to following your posts.
